Last week I had the chance to have two different girls nights out. One with my high school friends and one with my college friends. Every time I do this I feel so rejuvinated and blessed to have such amazing friends and women in my life. We can and do talk about everything from old times, church, husbands, dating, our kids, motherhood, etc. I love that I can let my hair down and be myself in my truest form and that no matter what these women accept and love me for who I am. I am so thankful for not only the friends I get to see on a regular basis but also the ones that live out of state that I talk to on the phone or friends that are blogging buddies!
I have found that the older we get and the more we go through the closer we grow. These girls have been such a strength to me in my times of need and I hope that I have been the same for them in their trials and triumphs. We saw the movie Women and I thought that it was a really good movie. These women really relied on each other for strength as they went through their different trials. I couldn't help but relate this to my own life and my own different friendships. One thing is for sure...Heavenly Father has a hand in all things and is aware of me and I am convinced has placed these amazing women in my path so that I can draw strength from them. Each friend has different traits that I love and each brings her own unique flair to the group. The group of friends just would not seem complete with out each and every friend in it. So to all of my friends I want to say thank you for being the person that you are. I wouldn't change a single thing about you. I just want all of my dear girlfriends to know how much I LOVE YOU, and RESPECT you for the women, mothers and friends that you are!! You have blessed my life more than you will ever know!!
Monday, September 29, 2008
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3:02 PM
Monday, September 15, 2008
I can't believe that my baby turned two! The last two years although at times seemed like they would never end have actually flown by. Beckham is such a joy to have in our family! He is so full of life and personality. My parents gave him this cool new Harley Davidson bike that he is loving to ride. My mom and I took the boys to the farm at Thanksgiving Point on Friday. Becks loves riding the horse and feeding the ducks. Some things that I love about Becks are...
1. He is persistent. He will call me over and over in the morning until I come and get him.
2. He never stops moving...He has never watched t.v. He doesn't walk but runs full speed everywere. He loves riding his bike, jumping on the tramp, and playing with his toys
3. He is a great eater. He isn't picky at all and he almost always finishes his food.
4. He has no fear. He rides his bike full speed down the driveway and makes the turn to the sidewalk at the end. He does everything that his brother and sister do and he wants to do it by himself.
5. He adores his brother and sister and asks me all day long where they are if they aren't home.
6. He loves shoes of all kinds. I have never seen a one year old be able to walk in flip flops, high heels etc.
7. He loves to be on the go and go places with me. As soon as he wakes up he says, " mommy we go bye bye."
8. He has the best smile that can melt anyone's heart!
9. He plays sports better than most four year olds. He can play soccer and tee-ball as well as the kids on Stockton's teams.
10. He has the most contagious laugh in the whole world.
I am so happy and I feel so blessed that I am Beckham's mom. He has made me a better mother and person and I am sure he will continue to teach me!! I love you with all of my heart Becks!! Happy Birthday!!
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4:44 PM
Beckham loves swimming in the "watee" as he calls it. So he told me that he wanted a water party! I sure lucked out because the weather was perfect on Saturday! My sweet friends Jen, Suzi and Katie and both sets of my grandparents came over for the birthday fun!! Thanks so much everyone for the sweet gifts! Beckham had a blast going down the slide into the water with his friend Keaton and playing with all of the kids. He loved the cupcakes (can you tell) and he ate like four or five of them. He loved the boat cake that I made him and he kept saying, "happy birthday! Don't touch my cake. Happy birthday again." He probably blew out the candles twelve times! He is such a joy to our family and we are so happy that he is our "baby", as we love to call him!!
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3:39 PM
Last night we went up Mill Creek Canyon and had a picnic in the mountains. I love that canyon and it is so fun to be up there enjoying this weather. The kids loved throwing rocks in the water! It was a perfect Sunday activity.
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3:26 PM
I am so excited to be a new aunt!! We had Heather's baby shower a few weeks ago and it was so much fun!! Her family made her amazing quilts and my mom and I found her so many fun things at the cutest baby store in the Riverwoods in Provo. I of course had to get my new little neice her first tutu!! We are so excited for this new sweet addition to our family! Only three weeks to go!!
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3:15 PM