My dad, grandpa Johnson, and my brothers went to Texas to a Dallas Cowboys game this weekend. So my mom and I decided we wanted to go somewhere too. We were going to go to Nauvoo because it was Ken's weekend to have the kids. He canceled and told me that he couldn't take the kids. So on Saturday my mom and I took the kids to the condo in Park City. We watched movies. The kids love going and getting treats out of the machines to watch movies. We went swimming, ate at Main Street Pasta and Noodle, and shopped at the outlets. It was beautiful weather. Today it was 67 degrees. I have so many fun memeories of growing up being at the condo. The kids love going up there and it was great to get away even for a day. Thanks for a fun weekend mom!
Sunday, November 18, 2007
My dad, grandpa Johnson, and my brothers went to Texas to a Dallas Cowboys game this weekend. So my mom and I decided we wanted to go somewhere too. We were going to go to Nauvoo because it was Ken's weekend to have the kids. He canceled and told me that he couldn't take the kids. So on Saturday my mom and I took the kids to the condo in Park City. We watched movies. The kids love going and getting treats out of the machines to watch movies. We went swimming, ate at Main Street Pasta and Noodle, and shopped at the outlets. It was beautiful weather. Today it was 67 degrees. I have so many fun memeories of growing up being at the condo. The kids love going up there and it was great to get away even for a day. Thanks for a fun weekend mom!
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11:08 PM
Saturday, November 17, 2007
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4:26 PM
Stockton went to my brother Trents soccer game at BYU and he was in heaven. He thought that when they scored their first goal that they had won the game. He was so exctied to wear his soccer jersey. Going to the game has gotten him even more excited about soccer. After the game they went to both of my brothers apartments. Ever since he went to where they live he asks to go back to their houses several times a day. I guess he is already excited about the college scene.
Today I am thankful for a brother (marcus) who is amazing with my kids. Yesterday he watched Beckham while I got ready. That was heaven. Then he watched Stockton while I took Brynlee to gymnastics. He always get downs and really plays with the kids for hours. He never gets sick of it. He will be an amazing dad. I am thankful for blogging. It is so fun to be able to write about the things that happen especially with your kids and to have pictures to go along with it. This will be great to read back on someday. I am also thankful that the kids don't have school today so that we can relax and not have a fight on what to wear.
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7:30 AM
Thursday, November 15, 2007
I am supposed to write down eight things that people don't know about me. This is really hard to come up with things. Thanks Heather!!! Some of you may already know these things so sorry if any of these things are already public knowledge.
1. I majored in Health Education at BYU and I minored in Drivers Education. I minored in that because that was the quickest way to get done with my bachelors. The funny thing about that is that I am the worst driver ever. Ask any of my friends it is almost terrifying to drive with me. The last time Angie drove with me I almost got us into three wrecks. I always pick my split ends at stop lights. Former students of mine always see me doing this around town and always call me to tell me they saw me in the car picking my split ends. When I was at BYU I had to teach a guy that was 22 and married with two kids and a girl from China who was attending BYU how to drive. I feel bad that they learned how to drive from me. I hope I taught them correctly oops!
2. I am a very superstitious person. Whenever I get those e-mails that say that you have to send this out or you will get bad luck I really believe it so I send it to everyone. Sorry everybody for all of the junk mail. When I was in high school when I would walk out of the bathroom I would make sure that I would never step on the cracks. The good news is I think that I am getting a little less OCD. I don't care if I step on the cracks now. I guess it is because I am to busy to think about this now with three kids. (By the way I had to do eight things instead of seven because eight is my lucky number. That dang superstitious thing again.)
3. I love reading magazines about what is in style. From hair, clothes, shoes, makeup etc. I love buying clothes that are cheap but trendy. My favorite clothes store is Forever 21. My favorite shoe store is Forever Young. I never buy a shirt over $20.00. This is thanks to some great friends in Vegas who taught me how to shop inexpensively. I was so bummed to leave Vegas only because of that store and The Cheescake Factory. Now they have both in Utah! Too bad I couldn't bring my girlfriends and the weather with me too.
4. I am a huge clutz. I have always tripped a lot. I fell down cement bleachers when I taught at Bingham. We were outside practicing for a halftime at the football game and they had plastic all over the bleachers. I slipped on it and fell and broke my hand. It was in front of all of my drill team girls. How embarassing!
5. I love doing wierd things like pulling out teeth, plucking my brothers eyebrows and long hairs on their backs (gross I know), and popping zits. I am always the person in my family that everyone has gone to when they need any of these things done. I think I have pulled all of mine and my brothers teeth out. How many teeth is that out of five mouths?
6. I love giving talks in church. I always get nervous right before but I always learn so much when I do and I actually love speaking in public. I guess that is the teacher in me. My down fall to public speaking is that I have to memorize the whole talk. I practice giving it in the mirror a million times before I actually give the talk.
7. I love to dance! I coached high school drill teams for six years. The last year I coached in 2004 my team won a State and National Title. My team and I were interviewed and broadcast on the morning news in Utah. This was there first drill team state title at Bingham and the school opened in 1908.
8. I am like Heather I am a scaredy cat when it comes to sleeping alone. Even when I was in high school and college when I was home and I would hear noises in the middle of the night I would take a blanket and go and sleep on the floor next to my dads side of the bed. What am I going to do when my parents move into their new house and I am in this big house all by myself with the kids? I better toughen up quick.
I am tagging Jen, Suzi, Angie, Katie, Kerri, Kathy,Gail, Tiffany, Denett, Katherine, Betsy, Ashley, Maggie, Tai
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2:15 PM
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
My mom is amazing! Last night she did the cutest family night for the kids. We all took turns putting a feather on the turkey that had something that we can be thankful for. Stockton got one that said friends and he said, "I am thankful for Camden." Brynlee got one that said happiness and she said,"I am thankful for mommy." (That makes all of the hard times in the day worth it.) It is so great to do activites like this because it reminds us of all our Heavenly Father has given to us. Today I am thankful for trials. Believe me there are some days I wish this wasn't my cross to bare. But it sure has drawn me closer to my Heavenly Father and I am defiantely a stronger woman with a rock solid testimony. You know what is amazing is that Heavenly Father really does carry you through your trials. I feel stronger, more motivated and less tired at the end of every day. I know I am being so blessed right now.
Do you love how Stockton is pointing the gun at the camera? Boys will be boys. Stockton has really figured out in the last few months what he likes. This has made it a lot harder for he and Brynlee to agree on what to play lately. The other night Brynlee was begging him to dress up and play Cinderella with her. He wouldn't because he just wanted me to wear a scarey mask and he wanted to take a plastic club and chase after me with it. The difference between boys and girls is hilarious.
Today we went with Jen and her kids, Suzi and Ander, and Angie and her kids to Discovery Gateway. I love that place. The kids never get bored there. We had a great time. It is always so fun to visit and for the kids to play. Bryns, Stocky, and Becks adore all of their kids and never get tired of playing with them. Brynlee had to wear her bright red lipstick to show all of her friends. She is so into this color of lipstick ever since she found out this is the color she wears to performances.
Posted by
7:24 PM
When I went to teacher conferences before Brynlee went off track her teacher Ms. Miles said she was doing great at reading and she asked me if I knew how amazing Brynlees art work was. Bryns is great at drawing and coloring. She always tells me she is a dancer and an artist. The one thing that she needed to work on was counting. So while she was off track we practiced counting and now she can count to 100.
In her right hand is the show and teach bucket. It is a big deal when you get to take this to school. Brynlee decided last night that she wanted to take a book of mormon in the bucket. She was so excited to tell me that she can be a missionary by taking her book of mormon to school and telling the kids about it. I hope this is okay to take to school you know with the whole church school thing. But I didn't want to discourage her enthusiasm and sweetness about wanting to share it with others. What a sweetheart!
Posted by
7:28 AM
Monday, November 12, 2007
I was preparing my lesson on Sunday morning and I came downstairs and saw Beckham sitting in the middle of a whole box of trix. He was so happy he was screaming and just stuffing his mouth full of trix as fast as his little hands would allow. I remember when Brynlee was a baby things like this would stress me out. Now by the third child this is hilarious to me. I am thankful that as mothers we learn to relax and laugh at ourselves and our children. Otherwise we might not make it through some days.
I have seen Heavenly Father bless my life in many ways over the last few days. I feel so blessed to be a member of the church and to be able to go and renew my covenants every sunday. I am blessed to teach the eleven year olds. All eleven of the kids in my class are angels. They all bring their scriptures and listen and participate. It is almost too good to be true. I am blessed to be in such an amazing ward. I have so many great friends in my ward. Their are so many people who I really admire the people they are and how they live their lives. I want to strive to become more like them.
Posted by
5:37 PM
Saturday, November 10, 2007
Posted by
6:12 PM
Thursday, November 8, 2007
I can't take my eyes off of Beckham for two seconds lately. He is such a climber and into everything. His favorites are climbing on the fireplace and taking out all of the rocks and coal. Climbing on his toys, boxes, the ladder on the bunk beds, into the bath, on the exercise bike, and his latest is that he climbed onto the toilet then onto the counter and into the sink. I heard the water running and I went into the bathroom and he was sitting in the sink with the water on just drenched. I should have taken this picture further back because it doesn't do what I am explaining justice. I am just glad that he didn't turn on the hot water. He is such a monkey!
Posted by
12:08 PM
Sunday, November 4, 2007
The other day Bryns bite Stocky. Then on friday Stocky was going to bite Brynlee and I got upset at them and had the we don't bite talk. As a sidenote Bryns prays every night that her and Stockton won't bite. So after the talk Bryns burst into tears and she said, "mom Heavenly Father doesn't love me because I pray every night that we won't bite and both me and Stocky bite each other." I went on to explain that Heavenly Father won't do all of the work for us we have to make good choices and be accountable for the decisions we make. I think this is really good to remember for all of us. We can always go to a loving Heavenly Father and ask for what we stand in need of. But we as his children must be willing to do what is right and what he has asked of us. And we must be accountible for our own actions.
So I am going to try to take Elder Eyrings challenge and write about how we see the Lords blessing us in our lives. So here is how Heavenly Father blessed me today...I was very proud of Brynlee today because normally Ken brings me the kids in the morning on the sundays that he has them so that they can go to church with me. He decided to keep them today so that they could go to a birthday dinner for his sister. Anyway Brynlee told him she would not miss church and that he had to bring her home because on Sundays we go to church. I am thankful for a sweet, obedient 5 year old daughter who is already choosing the right. I love you Brynlee! I see the Lord blessing me every day because he has given me you as a daughter.
Posted by
3:23 PM
Saturday, November 3, 2007
I have been following the story of a 32 year old man named Bryce (through Jen's blog) who passed away just a few days ago from cancer. His and his wifes strength and optimism throughout their trail has been truely amazing. I was reading my sister in laws blog today and found that a friend of Bryces has challenged people to 100 days of Love. The blog is I am going to take the challenge and it you are interested you should check out the blog for more info. (thanks Heather). I know that I could definately strive to be more loving, forgiving, and thoughtful to those around me and those I come in contact with. There will be a post everyday on something to strive to work on for the day! What a great idea.
Posted by
7:19 PM
Thursday, November 1, 2007
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6:00 PM
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2:02 PM